Friday, January 18, 2008

The "Doll House" had a great ending. In its entirety i didnt like the story very much, i liked parts of it but overall i didnt like the story. But the ending made me like it alot more. I found it interesting, mysterious and exciting at the same time. Helmer, Krogstad, Nora, Mrs. Linde, it all fits together now. Like a puzzle. Overall it was a decent story but i would say i would read it again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This part of the story was very exciting, all the pieces of the story are starting to fall into place, Krogstad, Helmer, ora, Linde, it is all starting to make sense now, now i understand the story much better than i did, still a little confused at some parts, but for the most part i understand, it was very interesting, i like this part, probably my favorite part of the entire story, best part by very far.
I did not like this part of the story, incredibly scandulous, but yet not too excting, bored me to much, yes she was funny, but not that funny, i did like the whole sexual part but it really wasnt that good, i found all the other parts of the story to be extrememly boring and not interesting, besides taht it was pretty good, so i hope the next part of the story is much more interesting.

Friday, January 11, 2008

This part of the story bored me. Although Krogstad convinces Nora to talk to her husband using blackmail, i still was not interested. Helmer is smarter than that and he will know what she is up to. I think Krogstad will end up vanishing. I thnik Mr. Helmer will end up dying or being murdered before the end of the story. Nora will murder Torvald or the doctor will kill himself. This is very interesting to me because i dont get this story at all.I cant wait to see how t turns out.
I found this part of the story very interesting. Nora acts more childish than ever and Torvaldr treats her like a child more than ever. It seems like she is going to snap pretty soon because she cant take Torvald treating her like he has.When the doctor comes to there house I am confused on what they are talking about. Maybe killing Mr. Helmer, maybe killing himself. Im not sure but whatever it is i think it is very important to the story. Anne- Marie must be only an ok friend with Nora it seems like. The maid has nos signifigance to the story it seems like. I think Helmer s going to die of a sicknes or be murdered.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I found it very interesting that Nora had a squirrel rummaging around her house. That was very unusual. I also found it interesting that they took a stand againsst their mortgage it sounds like. I think Mr. Helmer is sick with something, that is why he has a doctor here to see him and that is why he does not want to see visitors. i found it interesting the Torvald (Mr. Helmer) has the qualifications to just switch his job from a lawyer to a bank manager, it shows he is very well educated.